Inclusion Department at Cambridge House Valencia
The Inclusion Department collaborates with parents and teachers to provide advice and tailored support for pupils with a range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
The early identification of SEND is the key to removing barriers to learning and ensuring students continue to make progress cognitively, personally and socially. To meet this objective the department uses a range of approaches including teacher assessments and observations, parental concerns and referrals, data analysis and pupil tracking (termly reports, BADyG, CAT, PASS and NGRT), individual observations (SENCo, Psychologist and Support Teachers) and regular teacher meetings.
When a pupil has been identified as requiring additional support or a diagnosis of SEND the Class Teacher/Tutor and the SENCo meet with parents to provide advice and arrange further internal and external assessments. This information is then used to create an Individual Educational Plan (IEP), which outlines targets, strategies and specific support. This is an essential part of the assess, plan, do and review cycle to ensure pupils make progress in specific areas. IEPs are reviewed and updated in the middle of each term and parents are informed about their child’s progress.
The Inclusion Department uses Waves of Intervention to determine the level of support individual pupils require for their needs. The department provides teachers with advice to support pupils on Wave 1 Intervention. This involves Quality First Teaching, which is planned and implemented by the class or subject teacher. Pupils on Wave 2 Intervention have a Pupil Profile and are provided with specialist in-class or withdrawn group support sessions. Pupils on Wave 3 Intervention have a formal diagnosis and an IEP. They are provided with specialist withdrawn support to work on individual targets and areas of the curriculum.
Although we are committed to supporting all pupils, there may be circumstances where Cambridge House is unable to meet a pupil’s Special Educational Needs within the normal school resources. On these occasions, parents will be met to discuss the best course of action for their child.